Getting into Eton College

One of England’s most prestigious and oldest boarding schools is Eton College, a boarding school with distinguished alumni such as economist John Maynard Keynes, actor Tom Hiddleston, Prince William and Prince Harry. The high-class reputation of Eton College makes entry into very competitive and only boys top of their class are given a spot.


Since this is a boarding school, pupils live at Eton seven days a week. The buildings and facilities are constantly upgraded and well-equipped to house and feed the boys. At the College, there are three terms a year, sometimes called halves. In the past, the year was broken into two halves that followed the typical schedule of other schools – Christmas and summer breaks, in which pupils were allowed to go home. The term “halves” is still used; however, there are now three terms per year. 

Getting into Eton College

For a long time, admission was based on class and birth. More recently, boys of all backgrounds are able to apply and receive funding to attend the school. Privileged backgrounds are not necessary for admission anymore. All boys hoping to apply must pass an interview and reasoning test and present a reference from their previous school. The application procedure is known to be rigorous as this is a world-class academic institution and only has 1300 places available each year.

Again, parents hoping to apply for a spot should note the system is based on meritocracy and does not discriminate toward privileged members of society. Young boys who demonstrate exceptional academic potential and passion for learning are ideal candidates for UK’s finest boarding school.

The typical entry is in Year 9, up to the age of 13. However, other students may be able to apply until 16 years ago for their Sixth Form Entry. Do note that for later applications, there are a very limited number of accepted applicants who are awarded a position. 

Funding – Scholarships & Bursaries

Tuition to the College can range up to £42,500 per year. This may seem as though Eton caters to the high class and families with excessive wealth; however, attention has been placed on widening access to financial aid to pupils of all backgrounds. For ~14 boys, scholarships are given with a fee reduction of 10% per year. Bursaries are means-tested and are awarded to families who are not able to afford tuition fees. This financial aid can cover a significant amount of tuition fees, maybe even the full amount. In the coming years, means-tested bursaries and scholarships are expected to rise and be given to more and more pupils.

Application & Examinations

The admissions process begins early, even as early as birth! The deadline is in your child’s Year 5 on June 30th.

To begin the application process, complete the Eton Application Form for Year 9. Further, the schools request a non-refundable deposit of £340. After the forms and payment have been received, applicants are placed on the Eton List.

13+ Assessments

Pupils applying must complete the first stage of the assessment process - the ISEB Common Pretest Exam. The test commences in October/November of your boy’s Year 6 at their current school. The ISEB exam is to provide schools with an overview of the student’s academic potential in subjects including math, English, verbal and non-verbal Reasoning. The test is age-standardised, ensuring that no candidate has an advantage over any other based on their age. 

Practice Tests 

The provided practice tests are from Pretest Plus and are available online after purchase. Tests are marked automatically afterwards and allow students to thoroughly review. Comparative ranking statistics are provided as well to quickly and efficiently identify areas of weakness and strength.